Night of the Living Dead! The Musical!
Crew Guy
Iowa State University
Book, Lyrics, and Music by Jordan Wolfe
Facing a growing mob of strange, bloodthirsty creatures, three couples seek refuge in an abandoned house... but will they survive the night?!? With an infectious original score, this rock 'n' roll comedy is this generation's Little Shop of Horrors!
Creative Team:
Director/Choreographer: Mary Jo DuPrey
Music Director: Patrick Gagnon
Assistant Director/Assistant Choreographer: Claire Thede
Stage Manager: Stephanie McClelland
Assistant Stage Managers: Bobbie Buie, Kenedy Panosh
Scenic Design: Brian C Seckfort
Costume Design: Kelly Marie Schaefer
Lighting Design: Jackson Newhouse
Sound Design: Josh Jepson
Props Design: Liam Ray III
Ben: Brandon Schumann
Barbara: Taylor Noe
Tom: Devin TeKolste
Judy: Elise Cameron
Harry: Matt Hennessey
Helen: Mia Mattingly
Crew Guy: Kaushik Raghavan
Johnny: Samuel McDaniel
Zombie #1: Connor Ahrens
Sheriff Tractor: Zane McSheehy
Betty Lou: Morgan Wolfe
Robin Graves: Annika Baker
Holden D’Seance: Natalie Naumann
Adda Morgue: Madison Halliday
German Doctors: Brooke Mattingly, Isabelle Anderson
Dan the Science Man: Charles Faden